What is VPN - Vertual Private Network creates a secure connection via the internet between a computer and a network.

First is to make sure you have authorization to connect via VPN

If you have access your computer should have an application called "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"  

Option A: To open client either click the Windows button and type "Cisco", the application should pop up.

Opton B: If you have used Cisco AnyConnect in the past you will be able to find the icon in the Task Tray in the lower Right corner of your computer.  The Icon is a White circle with two blue circles intersecting.  When you hover over it will show Cisco AnyConnect

Open the application.  The first time opening there will be  blank box.  Enter our VPN site which is:  vpn.badgerminingcorp.com

Click Connect

A Red popup will open "Untrusted VPN Server Blocked!"

Click Change Settings

The AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client will open

UNCHECK the "Block connections to untrusted servers"

Close the window and open Cisco AnyConnect again

You may get another warning, click proceed.

Enter your windows logon:  i.e. abanks 

Enter your windows password


When done working, go back into the task tray. Click on the Cisco any connect and disconnect.